NordShield® (Finland)


NordShield® technology to German and Austrian producers

The new normal is one in which antimicrobial solutions are part of everyday life. To ensure such to be sustainable, NordShield® has over the past decade developed and commercialized a biodegradable alternative. Current standard solutions are based on heavy metal based solutions such as silver zeolites, silver salts, copper and zinc. All of these are non-renewable substances that are harmful, leach into the environment and even into the bodies of those wearing textiles treated with heavy metals.

Fields of application for the NordShield® technology include fibres and textiles such as in garments or face masks, as well as medical devices, personal care solutions and long-lasting disinfectants.

With NordShield® and Backhausen Textile Consulting as distribution partners, a safer, natural-based biotechnology is available in Germany and Austria.


Position Reinhard Backhausen (2021 – ):

Business development Germany and Austria

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